stuff & things.
woke up with undereyes the colour of some cesspool swarming with a ridiculous number of flies, as well as enough snot in the lungs & thryoid to make a decent e-bay sell.
here is a charming picture because exposing the sick & vulnerable is the sexiest kind of cruelty:
anyway, the triple j hack half hour's new series kicked off on the abc on monday night. my words are dull & resemble the thuds of slamming doors, so i'll assault you with visual screenshots instead:
& fangirl-time
i had a cameo for the duration of 2.38 words or maybe the lifespan of paris hilton's piety - take your pick. i didn't turn on the television then, but it is available for plunder online. i haven't watched it yet because of (a) my scarcity of time, (b) australia's broadband system is expensive & slow, & (c) i have the patience of high-rolling tycoons.
like i said, i haven't watched it yet, but recalling the taping session, everyone's favourite communitychannel had a little segment. if you don't watch it for the content, watch it for the optical-splendour that is natalie. actually, it was because of her niceness(/pity) that i was on the show too. i got a call from the show's producer saying that natalie thought i'd be interested in being on the show too & she subsequently passed along my deets. hell yeah, mother-trucker.
oh & just so you know, the poor choice of fashion does not rest on my shoulders. i came rocking a dark blue knit sweater, you know, conservative & classy, (JUST LIKE MY FACE!) only to have it deemed 'too dark' for the set. the first article of clothing thrust in my direction resembled fresh emesis created from driving too fast around sharp curves after eating grilled prawns, baked lasagne & choc cake too heartily. plus the spiteful excuse of a garment had frills reminiscent of something victorians would wear. so the verdict rested between an autistic kid's vertigo or the fresh-green retch juice, & had it been up to you, you would've picked the same.
anyway, i'm going to skedaddle. have to do interview(s) for assignments. have i mentioned how much journalism & i have a mutual-detestation? I AM TOO SHY FOR THIS COURSE. "h-h-h-h-h-hi i'm n-n-n-ni-kick-k-k-k-kicki-i".
& bakery-barista duties call in a few hours time too. ugh.
Posted in: on Friday, September 26, 2008 at at 9:39 AM
what's up with the large angry lady with the shades in the first pic.
Natalie is everybody's favorite. She's #2 for me now...a certain self depreciating author of this blog takes top spot for me now.
That shirt they made you wear looks like somebody vomited old school wallpaper onto a disco outfit. I'm sure you scarred some children for life that day :-P
Ha! I find it quite amusing that you were on national television wearing the vomit top. Nothing but the best for babyporridge.
Was it just me or was that room full of arseholes?
Check out Natalie's face after they play her little segment - so happy.
the show, hip as it was trying to be, is still so mainstream tv. the topic of online privacy issues, is so old... the whole 'hacker' stuff... all the 'scary' hype, yawn. i liked how they had the audience arranged and the way it was lit, though, at least that was a little original.
the whole program shows the producers' utter lack of understanding of what people like yourself and Natalie are doing. The clip video that introduces Natalie was just terrible, and showed utter lack of any understanding of what makes cc great. Let's see, out of 70+ of Natalie's videos that are still up, they frame the whole thing with the _one_ where she's in a bikini, as if that is what she's about. The irony is that that particular video was in parody of some horrible 'beauty tips' video.. blah.
anyway Nikki, you looked (not suprsingly) like a very poised and and lovely young woman. (the slightly weird shirt is fine, it's funny too because they normally would discourage anything too patterned for tv...) Natalie of course spoke well for herself also. But really, the show itself was just terrible.
...hope you're feeling better now.
[you might check your dA, if so inclined]
Well, maybe if I knew about this, I would've watched this.
I think while you were sick, your breathing travelled with the winds and to pass your disease onto me the today.