i had a nap today, & it was fifty kinds of surreal. my most vivid (& possibly last) recollection of my naps is from back in the fifth grade, for three consecutive afternoons after i lost a gold bracelet with elephant charms from my grandmother.
i suppose that even then, i decisively took my reality diluted with doses of wonderland.
i can't get myself to write this damn feature article. have been struggling for days now. i am, however, consoling myself with the fact that i only have three assessments left to submit, & a little over a week of class left. halle-freaking-berry! (you see what i did there? you totally didn't expect "berry" in lieu of "llujah", don't even pretend!)
let me reiterate this: ONE WEEK OF UNI LEFT FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. & BOY, AM I EXCITED. think of all the havoc i could wreak with that elusively pesky thing called free-time!
speaking of university, two years down my degree, mother says that maybe communications wasn't for me. maybe psychology would've been more appropriate for me since i apparently have a knack for this advice bizness. i lovingly remind her that back in 2006 when considering a course to undertake, i said i wanted to try my hand at psychology. her peanut of wisdom then went something like this:
"psychology? but you're crazy enough to go to a shrink yourself!" haw haw haw. i'd like to think that my empathy for/with the insane isn't such a terrible thing to have.
anyway, here are two pictures which should give some insight into the extent of my wholesomeness. watch for how lovingly i stare at the queenster!
Posted in:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
9:12 PM
I enjoy Beyonce...just not her current material so much. Good luck on final week. Generations after current generations always claim that the next generation is gonna make the world go to hell. Surprise, Surprise we might already be there.
Amount of time you work or anything else doesn't define you. People's positions aren't always of their own doing. Societal structure works against people in different and interesting ways. Very nature of your being what you are limits you in various ways...now I'm ranting vaguely.
Strangely, "show original post" link has revealed magically hidden edits. This is exciting - like m&m's inside an easter egg - because I found myself ditto'ing each rant in turn... apart from beyonce; I only hated beyonce since she married jay-z. grrr.
Oh and I think technically I might be classified as gen-x and so must qualify as an old fart. Funnily enough though I seem to remember the same critiques during my teen-hood too.
I've always had the most vivid dreams in naps, sometimes like slipping in to an alternative reality.
So I guess that your school is over for the year and summer approaches. While here fall is fast receding, with blustery winds and leaves on the ground (and a new school year, for those geting edumacated)
Everything is backwards in your world, right down to how the water drains :) [from my North American-centric perspective]
Hello, I'm an internet-predator. When I'm not preying on unsuspecting characters, I'm fulfilling my role as a struggling artist. What kind of artist, you may ask? Well, therein lies the struggle. Music, writing, photography and film are all competing for priority in my aspirational hierarchy. Naturally though, none of the above are any fierce competition for my constant pursuit for things to eat. I'm just reckless like that. Occasionally, I find sweeping therapeutic.
Hear-hear on Gen-Y. Oh to think of the groan-worthy articles I've read about us!
I enjoy Beyonce...just not her current material so much. Good luck on final week. Generations after current generations always claim that the next generation is gonna make the world go to hell. Surprise, Surprise we might already be there.
Amount of time you work or anything else doesn't define you. People's positions aren't always of their own doing. Societal structure works against people in different and interesting ways. Very nature of your being what you are limits you in various ways...now I'm ranting vaguely.
Strangely, "show original post" link has revealed magically hidden edits. This is exciting - like m&m's inside an easter egg - because I found myself ditto'ing each rant in turn... apart from beyonce; I only hated beyonce since she married jay-z. grrr.
Oh and I think technically I might be classified as gen-x and so must qualify as an old fart. Funnily enough though I seem to remember the same critiques during my teen-hood too.
I've always had the most vivid dreams in naps, sometimes like slipping in to an alternative reality.
So I guess that your school is over for the year and summer approaches. While here fall is fast receding, with blustery winds and leaves on the ground (and a new school year, for those geting edumacated)
Everything is backwards in your world, right down to how the water drains :) [from my North American-centric perspective]
it's not beyonce anymore.
its 'sasha fierce', lol.
i would like to back you up on the GenY theory, but i'd probably just be another contradiction.