poop &a half

It has been over two months since I last posted a 'real' youtube video with actual edits and sequences and over two weeks since I last posted a blog entry. This can only mean one of two things:

1) My lack of cooperation in passing on email chain letters has finally caught up with me, and some psycho clown hailing from under my bed has cut off my fingers with spoons, and has subsequently rendered me internet-inept, or
2) I have finally realised my true calling as a party animal.


Last weekend's Friday night saw me get acquainted with a little Vodka, a little Whisky and a little of what I like to call glorified piss, i.e. beer, for Chris's 21st. The following night saw the donning of ridiculous heels, dancing and shots for a ladies night out.

Come Sunday, I came to the realisation that I'm probably all too little party and all too much animal, spending the majority of the day in an oversized System of a Down shirt, possibly purring disgruntedly and licking at my fur, and generally feeling sorry for myself. The main reason for wallowing in the quagmire of self-pity was the disgusting amount of junk I consumed in a single weekend and the absolute lack of exercise that ensued. I drowned my sorrows by tucking into a huge bag of red rock deli sweet-chili-sour-cream chips.

What can I say, the weekend was THAT epic, I needed an entire week to collect my thoughts for an appropriate recollection. That, or I've been too busy being cool and playing tetris on facebook.

No, but in all seriousness, this week has been nothing short of hectic. So much so that tonight, a Sunday night, I got home past eleven from staying in the final cut pro editing suites at uni with Hannah, Angus and Lauren, working away to make a Tuesday deadline. I'll get into the story at depth tomorrow, or whenever time is kinder; it's fascinating. Think hepatitis C, tattoo needles and inked up manly flesh. Fascinating story, I say.

I wanted to discuss at length the drunken advances from people old enough to know better than to pursue this infant, but perhaps for another time eh? I leave with a trademark picture dump, yeah!

Christopher with his token "Angelina-took-my-photo-to-the-cosmetic-surgeon-and-said-copy-these-lips" pout

Aaaaand ladehz - in the very wholesome stages of night:

I don't know about sustaining this party animal lifestyle though.... It detracts from time with my first love, i.e. gym, and this is not a good look for everyone involved. You know it's bad when you've only made it thrice to the gym this week for some paltry cardio and it's been a week and a half since your last pump class. MOTHERTRUCK! /Back later, triple chins = not attractive.



  1. it sucks not having comments so....TA DA! There you go, free of charge!

    ....OK I guess I should add something worthwhile in here too....uhhh don't get alcohol poisoning aaaand don't take drinks from a stranger.

    I actually had to think for a second to come up with that sage like wisdom.

    whew...I'm spent

  2. "Hi:

    Two things

    1) I’d like your permission to (re)print your article on Flight of the conchords for our website

    2) I was hoping we could use your ‘scribing’ talent for our website.

    The Best Shows Youre Not Watching (dot) com [all one word]

    Flight of the conchords is one of our featured shows. We’re hoping to round up a few people who can occasionally contribute perspective (via an article/blog) on the shows – maybe a recent episode, future direction, plot shortcomings etc.

    What’s in it for you?
    Primarily a larger audience back channeled to your blog. We don’t pay but the site has a lot of promise and we're pretty excited about getting it off the ground. Let me know what you think.


  3. I remember that I wrote a lengthy response at one point including details on my last time drunk and my drunk drawing experiment that worked out well. Then the old as hell computer I was using randomly shut off. Think I mentioned my recently completed drawings and paintings. Probably focused on not having blogged my progress pics.

    Hmmm... just talked about all that with no flair at all. I'll add this to my lame pile and you get it for eternity.

  4. contrary, trip chins are the shiz niz.

  5. ISS Perspective:

    Zooming in
    Zooming out
    Nothing I can do without
    A lens to see it all up close
    Magnifying what no one knows
    Never in company
    Never alone
    No car alarm
    No cellular phone
    In Your Blue Room

  6. Youneedtotry some good beer Nikki